Undergrad By Day

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

SMU Students and 850 Dollars

I have mulled over writing about my own views and perspectives of the whole SMU Fee Hike issue. Being personally involved with the whole thing, talking about it seems to bring out dirty linen that probably should be kept under wraps. However, a big part of me, the part of me keeping me up at night, tells me to nip it right in the bud and not let it slink away under the pretense of being unnoticed.

The 15% fee hike was a slap in our faces. Simply because not a single student knew about it till the press did and that it was almost always poorly justified during discussions. Sure, a hike is necessary but a sudden 15%? At all levels?

While it is old news that there was obvious disgruntlement, it is not old news that there were some students that took out their disgruntlement at the student council, students themselves. I received emails about how the fee hike doesn't make sense and it is not fair for students to have to work extra hours giving tuition just to make up for it and that it is all the student council's fault.

Excuse me? Student Council's fault?

When we try to point out the Student Association (SA) Council is not the management, we got back a bucketload of "you think we stupid is it?"

Eh no... of course not. Just misinformed.

I had an incredulous look on my face for a week as I received emails and feedback complaining that the SA doesn't care about the students and that when we told them not to go all hot-headed to the press and instead join us in more constructive efforts, we pretty much got the verbal/literal middle finger.

Good thing this was the minority. There was the majority of students that supported us through the surveys we conducted, the ribbon campaign that we held and the proposal that we gave to the Board of Trustees. Thought there were still some that were afraid to get their ribbons and sign their name.. Later Gahmen Scold...

There also seems to be a proportion of students in SMU who believe they have the ability to become invisible when spoken to.

Minority or majority aside, almost everyone said.. "Nahbeh, Staggered Fee Hike? Impossible lah.. I'll support you but you're just wasting time. Gahmen say pay must pay what.." Which you can't deny considering that almost every single act of student activism in the history of the country has been pounded on and condemned.

So now after we've won the staggered fee hike scheme for all current students, my mailbox is not surprisingly empty. (I should say emptier, there's always incoming work) No "Thank You"s. No "You Were Right". No "Yes You Guys Really Do Care". At least there's some congratulations and thank yous from my friends. Personally, I didn't feel I've won anything. I didn't campaign for this because I wanted to pay less. I wanted students to know that there can be results from taking constructive measures to things rather than just complaining about them. And that the Gahmen won't scold if you let it known that you disagree with the administration on certain things and act on them.

I know at least a friend of mine has been won over. I hope the rest of you guys will switch camps too and I hope the next time the SA champions for your rights, you'll be with us rather than against us because apathy is a far worst creature than the system.

Here I would also like to add in that yes, Veena, you were right. We should have trusted you in reporting accurately. We were afraid to take any chances with the press. You wrote the article exactly as it should. Thank you.


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