Undergrad By Day

Friday, February 25, 2005

Speak! or Type.. whichever kills less braincells

Damn me but I have just discovered a plethora of amazing reads. Local blogs have got me hooked. Amazing writers out there and they pretty much link to each other so if you get on one, you find yourself getting on all, immersing in their humour, satire, their deep perspectives, their grouses, and suddenly three hours of sleeping time is gone.

One of my favourites is Cheekbynature.blogspot.com Read on his disguised version of the now famous encounter between Jamie Han and our esteemed MM Lee during the Kent Ridge Ministerial Forum. (I was in the third row, had a pretty nice view on the actual exchange)

Anyway, going to the Singapore Forum on Politics this Saturday. Alfian will be there, speaking, though he did say in a poem that he will never go near a podium. We have quite the acute bunch of writers in Singapore, milling just beyond the OB markets. Occasionally, one or two will stray too far and get a warning shot from the Gahmen but all's good.

I wonder if the ISD is keeping an eye on Blogs. Maybe they have some special program to track words like BOMB SINGAPORE, COMMUNISM, #$@ PAP, MUSLIM FUNDAMENTALISTS, SMUGGLE PORN/GUM, I HEART ALQAEDA. This is pretty fun. Can you think of other things we shouldn't be saying?

It's all good to be on the ISD List, I think. It'll mean that my son will end up in the Police Force rather than the Army. It'll be a neat 18th birthday gift for him, don't you think?

Unless of course things go according to plan, I learn to speak all the dialects, marry a Chinese wife, join the PAP and end up Speaker of Parliament. Damn cool lah become Speaker of Parliament. Everyone has to bow to you during session and all you get this cool Mace thing and you do perceivably nothing and get premium minister pay! Ambition ambition..

Don't get me wrong. I love Abdullah Tarmugi. His wife was my Vice-Principal once. She made me Head of Academic Progress for my Sec 2 Level. Yes, really, not kidding.

But I think the award for most favourite minister goes to Dr Vivian Balakrishnan. Respect to him. He really wins over his constituents. (A cleaner in my school is so enamored to him, kept repeating the fact that he can speak Hokkien) Heard him speak at the Annual Conference of Feedback Units. He made sense there. At the Youth Forum at the NTUC Building, made sense there too. But a little disappointing when we invited him to SMU for a Ministerial Forum but it's okay, he's still the crowd favourite. I wonder what he drives.


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