Undergrad By Day

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Audition Me

I went down to ChannelNewsAsia's Audition Me today. Supposedly with Jamiel but he bastard me out at the last minute. Registration for the auditions ends at 5pm and at 445pm, my incessant calls to him got through..

Me: "Hello, Jamiel!!"
Small (about 5-6 years old) girl's voice: "Hello, nak cakap ngan siaper?" (Hello, who you want to speak to?)
Me: "Eh.. Jamiel ade?"
Small girl: "Kejap eh.." (Wait ah..)

1 minute pause

Small girl: "Jamiel tidur." (Jamiel sleeping)
Me: "Erh.. okaylah. bye" *click*

1 minute pause

Me: "nabeh"

So I called Lin and she came down with her friend Kai. I got her form ready until we realized she had to be 21. She's still only turning 20. (wah still so young..) Still, they stayed around and gave lotsa tips and helped me get my hands on a can of red bull.

And some of you know what happens when I get my hands on a can of red bull. Give you wings? More like gave me space shuttle rocket jets.

So it turned out pretty good. Lin video-ed it with her camera. Don't really know if she's going to post it up. My mannerisms seem akin to a really enthusiastic debator. Wanted to move around but I was confined to a small box on the floor. Ah well. Don't know what got me to actually audition. Didn't think to do it till some of my friends brought it up.. and Jamiel seemed so deadset to go at 330pm.

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Anyway, here's fair enough warning. If you see me on tv, don't freak.


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