Undergrad By Day

Sunday, September 11, 2005

the sea..

Talking to Adelene reminded me of my love of the sea. If you've known me long enough, you would have known that I have been sailing since I was primary four. I've spent quite a bit of my growing years on the waters.. at least twice a week for about 9 years? I've always felt a special connection to the sea and secretly I nutured a belief that everytime I came to her shores, I was answering a silent call. The sea was somehow home to me.. a feeling I felt that might have crept up from deep within, my ancestors have always been sea-faring folk after all.

The sea has taught me the meaning of a beauty so intense, it ached. I've seen fiery sunsets splendidly emblazoned on an orange sky immersing in a sea of molten gold. Breathtaking. I've splashes of red, green, orange ink in the afternoon sky. I've learnt to appreciate and see the terrible beauty of a great storm. I know how it feels to be on a wet, white deck in the middle of nothing but blue. Blue skies above, blue seas below. I know and am constantly reminded of how small I am amidst all of God's glories.

If you know me, you would know that my love of the sea is very close to the centre of my being and you would know that my sailing experiences have defined so much of me. You will also find my sailing friends all similarly inspired and humbled.

Sigh, it's been a while.. =)


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