Undergrad By Day

Saturday, October 01, 2005


In the field of our minds, we could feel that we were breaking sacred ground.

Shed.Ink Playwriting Competition. Playwriting. What possessed Ja and I to delve into this, without any experience or prior knowledge, I have no idea. We presevered, Ja down with fever and flu all night long too. We had to cough out a play, incorporating a couple of clues, and we had 8pm to 8am to do it. We did struggle out something. Winning material? I'm not too sure.. but it was indeed a night to remember.

What did we write about? It's about a boy and a girl with a problem that they can't solve. Funny thing is I've had this idea for quite some time, only that it was intially planned for a short film.. recent events have kinda provided fresh perspectives to the whole issue.

Honestly, it's hardly good, we churned it out in a matter of hours but maybe I'll post it up.


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